This is a guest interview prepared exclusively for PhotoInterview by Vadim Costyrin from the 500px team.To be honest, I could never imagine that our journal would feature a macro photographer specializing in shooting insects. The matter is that I have a strong arachnofobia, or simply speaking, spiders and bugs piss me off. I’m from those people who understands that somehow insects are useful for nature, but wouldn’t mind if there was no such a thing around. Imagine my surprise when I saw the photography of Thomas Shahan – I had expected to see disgusting things, but saw funny and cute creatures instead. I actually smiled looking at them. It’s not that I felt a desire to touch them, but nevertheless, I made a small yet important step towards the myriads of myriapods. Yay! Thomas just hits the nail describing his work as “arthropod portraiture” – indeed, spiders in his pics have a character! They look funny, odd, silly, sad, playful, but never scary. That’s how I saw them, and hope that’s how you’ll see them too.
The interview is a must read, especially for those who cannot boast passion for insects. Who knows, maybe it’ll be the first time you look at spiders and bugs not with fear and disgust, but with a smile. Thanks Thomas Shahan for re-discovering insects for us, and thanks Vadim Costyrin for discovering Thomas.