Street photography has experienced a great revival in the last years, although mainly in the Internet community, not in the “real” world of publications, galleries and exhibitions. Perhaps this indifference of the magazines and galleries makes street photography a more idyllic and romantic discipline. It’s hard to imagine how street photography could have an exchange value.
The amazing collective In-Public and groups like HCSP have made a great contribution to the recent attention to the genre. But there are a huge gamut of photography gathered under the versatile tag of “street photography”. Street portraits, puns and funny juxtapositions, fashion style bokeh, flash in your face à la Gilden, melancholic B/W, etc. Maybe there is a confusion about what indeed is street photography. I think Nick Turpin’s
“Undefining Street Photography” is a very lucid and inspiring approach to that subject.
Maybe an obvious challenge faced by this kind of photography is the crescent paranoid about being photographed in public places. But I don’t know if it is an actual issue.