Any travel is a potential adventure, not to mention journeys to non-touristic destinations. Could you remember the most exciting/shocking/dangerous/funny accident which happened to you during your traveling? Just anything that you will never forget.
The worst experience was in Eritrea, a country I like very much, but where there are tensions because of the war with Ethiopia. I was making pictures in a hill, when suddenly 2 soldiers with guns came up and asked me for the camera, the memory cards, etc. I was in a military area, and I did not know it. In my passport I had an Ethiopian visa… Fortunately, thanks to digitals, I showed them that only making pics of tribal people was the goal of my entry.
Another bad moment was in JFK airport, just after 9/11. I came there and the police at the airport discovered in my passport visas from Yemen, Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Egypt, Syria… It took some long minutes to convince the police that I travelled in Sudan just for a photogrpahic interest!